I've attached an article outlining the results of a farming system called Fencerow Farming. Ontario farmer Dean Glenney has achieved yields that are 75% higher than the area average through a system of controlled traffic farming and seeding on top of the same row for 20 years, a concept he calls Fencerow Farming. Dr. George Lazarovits has been studying the attributes that have generated these massive yields and it turns out it's a biological response more than anything.
See article here: http://beyondagronomy.com//cmsFiles/documents/document55a269b5c1f8d.pdf
See Fencerow Farming concept here: http://www.klsengineering.ca/fence-row-farming.html
We have been using a controlled traffic farming system for six years and the next phase of our system will be to ignite the biological resources in our soil by using Fencerow Farming techniques.
Soil on right from Fencerow soil and conventional tilled soil left with no added fertility.